Friday, January 25, 2019

Kenya Moore: Clear Skies After The Storm

Just 4 years ago Kenya Moore was reeling from a breakup that at one point she thought was going into a positive direction. Talks of marriage and babies filled the air as the Real Housewives star was planning her future with her then beau James Freeman. With the devastating discovery that the man she met through Millionaire Matchmaker was already married, Ms Moore pushed through and kept hope alive that she would one day find her soulmate. I was all over that story 4 years ago and applauded Kenya for her positive attitude and optimism (Click HERE to read previous post). Fast forward to present day, the former Miss USA is happily married and looking fabulous on the beach 11 weeks after giving birth to her first child and Celebrating her 48th birthday.

This personal triumph did not happen overnight. The now Mrs Daly went through a couple more frogs before finally meeting her prince. But the point is through heartbreak and failure in previous relationships, she never lost hope, she continued building herself and she allowed her heart to be open  to love when it came. We never know what life will have for us while on our journey, but what is important is that we do not settle or give up on any of our dreams or goals that are important to us. This is a real life example of how staying focused on what you desire for your life can bear fruit. And  from the looks of her blessing, her beared fruit is the sweetest.

Love & Light

Thursday, January 17, 2019

When opportunity DOESNT Knock

The old adage, "When opportunity knocks, answer". A saying encouraging us to go for it when new, exciting and lucrative fortuity presents itself. But what happens when opportunity doesn't knock? When every road you take leads to a dead end. When no callback comes after submitting hundreds of applications. What do you do then? The me of the past would say that if the opportunity hasn't arrived yet, or if I missed an opportunity or I wasn't chosen, then that must mean something better is on the horizon and will come in it's time. I just would have to keep my eye on the prize and keep pushing. The me now laughs at that form of conflict resolution.

Why should I wait for opportunity to find me. Why should I wait for someone to recognize my talents? If opportunity doesn't knock, create your own opportunities. State what your goal is and take the steps to make it happen. You want to be discovered as an actor? Start your own online series. Singing is your passion? Start writing, recording and promoting your music. You want to get paid to travel? Start a travel blog and write about every place you visit even if it's different cities in your state. You want to be a gourmet chef for a high end restaurant or even own a restaurant? Start cooking those gourmet foods and share photos of them on social media, hold tasting events, cater your friend's small dinner parties or even start selling your gourmet creations at a low cost. And so what if you are starting small. At least you are starting and that small start will lead to big success if it's backed by genuine passion and perseverance.

Whatever you have in your mind to accomplish you don't have to wait for someone to give you a stamp of approval. Your success starts with you. Brainstorm ways to make your dream a reality. Visualize your goal and begin making a list of how you can bring it to fruition. Start to execute the steps on that list. Get creative! Now go make things happen! No more time to waste. No more dreaming without action. No more dead new year's resolutions. Make your existence on this earth one of excitement, joy and satisfaction.

Go forth and be great!

Love & Light